About the.strandberg* HSX Hyper Single-Coil Circuit
The HSX Hyper Single-Coil Circuit was designed to offer a unique solution for players who wanted to split their humbuckers without sacrificing tone quality. While the HSX is now discontinued, we've left this information up for reference.
A split humbucker doesn’t behave like a traditional single-coil, often resulting in compromises in terms of sonic character and tone. The HSX aimed to change this by preserving hum-cancellation while enriching the single-coil tone, making it fuller and more powerful when splitting a humbucker.
By shaping the way the coil bridge connects to the ground during a humbucker split, the HSX effectively reduced 60-cycle hum and minimized output drop. The result was a vintage-style single-coil tone with reduced noise and without compromising the humbucker's full sound.
Though the HSX is no longer available, we want to ensure that players who are still using it can understand its features and how it works. If you have one or want to install one of these systems in your guitar, we hope this reference provides the information you need.
- Can I use the HSX in a .strandberg* guitar I already own? You most definitely can! That being said, the way to wire it in varies with the pickups and electronic components that are in there. All wiring diagrams can be found in the support section of our website and the circuit can be incorporated into most other schematics as well:
- Do the HSX work with Suhr pickups? Yes, it does and the red+white cables wired together equals the single black cable on our .strandberg* MF pickups in terms of connections in the circuit.
- Do I have to wire the HSX up through a push/pull pot? No, you may use any dedicated switch that you prefer or use it as an integral part of the main pickup switch if you don't need all possible pickup positions. The only thing that matters is that the switch you use is capable of taking the red wire of the HSX in and out of the circuit.
- What are the connections of the HSX and where do they go? The connections consist of two white cables, one black cable, and one red cable. The two white cables are wired to the in- and output of the volume pot respectively, the black cable is connected to the ground, and the red cable is wired to the mid outtake of the humbucker(s). As the module doesn't contain any polarized components (plus and minus oriented), any of the white cables can be used in either position as long as one goes to input and the other to output.