My battery drains quickly even when the cable is not plugged in/Even though I changed my battery, the output seems very low

During a period of time, we used Pure Tone output jacks in our guitar models. If you're encountering issues with battery drainage or a weak output signal, we recommend inspecting the electronics cavity on the back of your guitar to see if the output jack matches the one shown below.

Common issues with Pure Tone jacks include:

  1. Rapid battery drainage, even when the cable is unplugged.
  2. A very weak output signal.

Battery drainage is often due to the soldering points of the jack contacting the backplate or conductive paint inside the electronics cavity, or unintentionally touching each other when the cable is unplugged. To resolve this, try rotating the jack to prevent contact with surrounding components or gently bending the connectors apart. If these steps don't resolve the issue, the jack may need to be replaced. For further assistance, please contact us at

A weak output signal is typically caused by a similar issue and can be resolved in the same manner. When any part of the circuit carrying the output signal contacts the ground, it results in a weak signal. If you are unsure about the source of the problem, please reach out to us for support.

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